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Essential AQMD Questions & Answers To Help Businesses

November 21, 2019 2 min read



Essential AQMD Questions & Answers To Help Businesses

If you need to order an AQMD address of list of ¼ mile or 1000’ feet, Express Mapping – Radius Maps & Property Owner Lists can assist you.  You can place your order here:


What does the AQMD actually do?

Under the Federal Clean Air Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) establishes health-based air quality standards that all states must achieve. The California Clean Air Act also establishes requirements for cities and counties to meet. The South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast AQMD) develops plans and regulations designed to achieve these public health standards by reducing emissions from business and industry. South Coast AQMD’s Governing Board adopts plans and regulations for the region and then submits them to the California Air Resources Board and the Federal EPA.

How does this help me and my business?

South Coast AQMD staff develops rules designed to reduce air pollution.  They also allow an opportunity for public input on every proposed rule. At public workshops, the public can voice suggestions and concerns about the impact of a proposed rule. They then hold a final public hearing before the South Coast AQMD Governing Board can vote on various rules. When a situation arises, the AQMD requires a notification of a quarter mile (1/4 mile) or 1000’ feet of all addresses to notify them of upcoming changes.

What if I want to give feedback on these rules that may affect my business?

Public workshops and public hearings provide forums for the public to participate and voice your opinions. You can also write in your comments.  If you wish to receive a written response to your questions or comments, submit your written comments to the appropriate Rule Coordinator. You can find out the name of the person by calling South Coast AQMD’s Public Information Center at (909) 396-2039.

How can I find out how to comply with South Coast AQMD rules and requirements?

You can call or email the Small Business Assistance Office at 1-800-388-2121 to arrange for a South Coast AQMD representative to inspect your facility.  They will do so without penalty and will inform you of the requirements.


South Coast AQMD also offers compliance classes designed to help facility owners and operators understand rule and permit requirements. For more information or to register for a compliance class, call South Coast AQMD’s 1-800-425-6247 (1-800-4-CLN-AIR), or e-mail them at


How can I find out about new rules or amendments?


There are numerous ways to receive notices about new rules and to be kept informed. South Coast AQMD Rules and Regulations can be ordered from South Coast AQMD’s Public Information Center (909) 396-2039, or downloaded from their website.


If you need to order an AQMD address of list of ¼ mile or 1000’ feet, Express Mapping – Radius Maps & Property Owner Lists can assist you.  You can place your order here: